Donnerstag, 15. März 2012

i want someone to fight for me.

Just once. I want someone to be afraid of losing me. Not just say that they don't want to lose me. I want them to mean it. I want them to genuinely be afraid of losing me. You have those people, that just say that they never want to lose you. But then one day, they just decide to leave. I want someone to fight for me. When I'm about to leave, they pull me back. Tell me what they love about me. Tell me how much they love. Tell me what I mean to them. Show me, how much they don't want to lose you. Words mean nothing. I want them to prove to me, everything that they'll ever say to me. You say you love me, well show me that you do. You say you care about me, prove it. You say you don't want to lose me, well show me. I want you to fight for me.

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