Sonntag, 15. April 2012

so there's this boy ..

i want to wash your hair with a shampoo that smells like fruit - mango, or
strawberries. i want to walk on a beach with you, dragging a big stick behind
us, making a message in the sand that we try to believe an airplane will
really see. i want to kiss saltwater from your lips. i want us to listen to music
with our eyes closed; i want to read musty books while lying next to you - 
books about fascinating things like mummies ans eccentric artists and
old shipwrecks in the pacific. i want to have picnics on our bed and crawl
into cotton sheets that smell like summer because we left the window
open when we were gone. i want to wake in the night with you and marvel
at the stars and try to find the moon through the trees. i want all the sweet 
things in life. but only by your side.

i want us to be an amazing couple. let's go for a drive. why ? - no particular 
reason, just for the fun. let's skip the drama outside and stay in bed for a couple
more hours. we don't even have to talk. just being able to smell your sweet 
scent is enough communication for me. let's take a bunch of pictures. so we
can document every waking second together. let's finish each other's sentences,
make pancakes for breakfast, walk to the park. we don't need to fight anymore.
we don't need to male schedules and appointments. we don't need to care about
what others think of us. let us live free from judgment or sadness. ignore their hate,
accept my love. i want us to be free. let us stay home, wherever we choose to
make it. because damian, home is wherever i'm with you.

one of the best feelings in the world is knowing that you're loved.
that there's someone out there, someone who is thinking of you.
you finally feel like you have purpose. all you want to do is be with them.
hold them. kiss them. laugh with them. fall asleep next to them.
when you do that together, life is perfect. your other half completes you.
in that moment, perfection is met. 

when i tell you i love you, i don't say it out of habit.
i say it to remind you that you're the best thing that
ever happened to me. 

2 Kommentare:

  1. Schöne Bilder :)
    Von wem ist denn der schöne Text zu den Fotos, wenn ich fragen darf?

    1. dankeschön :)
      die sprüche hab ich von einer seite:
